What are MOOCs?
MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course and is intended to provide “open education for all”. Typically, MOOCs are online courses with very large numbers of participants. The courses are
mainly offered in higher education and adult education. MOOCs do without access or admission restrictions, participation is often free of charge, but an optional certificate is often offered for a fee. In MOOCs, usually lecturers from renowned educational institutions convey teaching content via videos that can be supplemented by scripts, literature recommendations as well as knowledge tests. Large, well-known platforms for MOOCs include Coursera, edX, Udacity, FutureLearn, iversity, openHPI, oncampus and many more. The Under Construction project is developing on its own learning platform a total of seven MOOCs on seven different professions related to the construction and habitat sector. Each course can be completed on its own in the future, but for interested learners, references will also be made between the individual courses.
Convince with both technical and personal competencies!
What are the seven coursesabout? The project aims to combine and promoted tradition and innovation in construction and habitat. In this respect, the project addresses both the traditional vocational fields such as carpentry, bricklaying, wall & floor tiling, cabinetmaking and the modern domains such as domotics, design technologies and 3D printing. The selection of learning content for each course comes from a prior scientific study with top performers in each field, following the motto “You always learn most from your superstars” (from “Competence at Work –
Course Curriculum and Implementation Models for Superior Performance, M. Spencer, 1993). It is particularly striking that the identification of top performance skills in all the considered occupational fields resulted in the following findings: Top performers attribute around 1/3 of their professional success to specialist knowledge and around 2/3 to soft skills! The top soft skills specifically include teamwork, flexibility, creative thinking, divergent thinking, emotional intelligence, interdisciplinarity, analytical thinking, anticipation skills and the ability to communicate information. Therefore, the course developers in Under Construction have set the following guideline as their primary goal: Empower learners with both technical and personal competencies!
Each of the seven professional fields will focus on the three fundamental pillars for top performance and professional success. The figure is an example illustrating the three pillars for the occupational field of bricklaying. Here you can see the 1/3 technical skills and 2/3 soft skills division of success skills.The actual learning content is currently being developed. In the course of the next few weeks, multimedia and interactive learning scenarios will be complete developments!d, uploaded to the learning platform and then be available for the first testing in professional application practice. We will keep you informed about the developments!
Evelyn Schlenk, ILI-FAU, 2020